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Epoxy Activator

Epoxy Activator

Regular price $69.99
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Quantum 45 is a two part epoxy primer system that provides excellent filling, excellent adhesion, and superior corrosion protection for wood and fiberglass/gelcoat surfaces. There are two different grades of activator to use for the Quantum 45 system: Quantum 45 primer activator and Quantum HB high build activator.

For unblemished surfaces, or those with light scratches blemishes the Quantum 45 Epoxy Primer Activator with the Quantum 45 Primer Base is recommended. If your boat has gouges and other deep surface defects,  We recommend the mix of Quantum 45 Epoxy Primer Base with our Quantum HB High Build Epoxy Activator and apply up to 20 wet mils every 1 to 3 hours.

Click here for more information for:     Primer Surfacing  Activator SDS         Primer High Build Activator SDS                         Primer High Build/ Surfacing Activator TDS

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